There is currently a wildfire in the Sacramento River Canyon between Delta, just north of Lakehead, and Dunsmuir in Shasta County. This fire has I-5 closed in both directions. The area involved, so far, includes Delta, La Moine, and Pollard Flat. So far, the fire has not reached Gibson. In addition to whatever damage the fire has done to buildings and I-5, portions of historic US 99 also run through here. Most of the sections remain as frontage roads or are completely bypassed and relegated to return to nature.

It will be some time before I am able to survey the damage, so if anyone in the area can help assess damage specific to old US 99 regarding wooden railing, bridges, and other roadway appurtenances, your help will be greatly appreciated.
Additionally, as the freeway is closed, detours are limited. For most traffic, use State 44 to State 89 NB and the reverse SB.
More information regarding the fire: